Monday, December 20, 2010

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

Last night we had our first annual Christmas party at the farm and blew it up with an Ugly Sweater party. It was way fun. It was way cool to see how creative the kids got and how a few of them weren't to cool to be goofy.

Group Shot
Best solo picture by Kenrick

These guys did awesome. Got super creative. Best sweaters hands down
Katie and I got a Christmas photo too.

Jeff, Mackey, myself got our creepy on.

 And yes there was skating too. Buggy with a front smith down the Gap of Christmas Present Rail

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Yesterday I was out looking for Jeff and Becca's dog Amos and I found this system of tunnels by our house. Shortly after I found them Nathan Kirkpatrick and my lovely wife gladly volunteered to search them with me. I hate to admit it but I am super claustrophobic and this was really hard for me. Katie was the bravest and went first

One of our stopping points

The tunnel was super tiny. We had to get our longboards and crawl through them on our belly.  Which once we got into the tunnel proved to be super difficult since there was about 2 inches of sand and dirt in the bottom of the tunnel.

After we got a ways into the tunnel we kept getting caught in spider webs and the walls were completely covered in mosquitos. So we decided to bolt. This is Nathan on his way out.

They were pretty gnarly. We couldnt even see the end of them or even a light at the end of it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Board Day=Broken Board day

Got my brand new board on Friday. Took it out on Saturday for my first day on it. It was awesome. Love the way it rides. I love everything about it. When we got back to the car I noticed this.
So bummed. First day out and Snapped my nose.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Tuesday morning I went hunting with Jeff Neel and Nate West. The only thing I had on me to shoot with was a camera, so I did. I was really hoping for some death to be involved but unfortunately we didnt get to kill anything.

Bake for Love

This past weekend a bunch of us got together and made a whole bunch of goodies and gave them to the people who get hated on the most this time of year. I feel really bad for those working in retail over the holidays and this last weekend was the worst. Black Friday is not to be messed with. We had kids from local high schools and other people from around our community. Here is a short video from Jeff Neel about our day.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I hijacked this video from Jeremy Jones page.  This is such a sick tease edit of what you dont get to see in the final project. I wish I had all this gear. Anyways. I just liked this so I wanted to share. I cant wait until we get some snow on the ground here so we can start on the grind and get some shots. I also cant wait to see what these guys have already been putting together. If you missed Cheers, you need to get caught up. You can get in on Itunes now

Quite On the Set! from Jeremy Jones on Vimeo.