Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I got my tank and my giant rear fender back from my paint guy finally. This little project to way to long. After a couple of attempts to do it myself I had to call in a pro.
You may or may not remember what it looked like before so here is a reminder of what it looked like last time I painted.

I started out with this

I reupholstered my seat again. I went back with the black. There was way too much white goin on.

The final product. My new tanker.

The product as a whole. Cant really see the striping on the fender in this photo to well. Sorry. Look up at the top photo too see the top of the fender.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I have been slacking on the blog Posts. Its because i have been...

A short time ago My wife and I went camping and hiking for fun. I hiked my first "14er" since i moved to CO.

Manly duties
Our campsite was on point. Right on this little creek and
we got to go to bed with this sunset.
Taking a break...Katie telling me not to take the picture...

our view from the top of Greys. That ridge is the backside of Arapaho Basin.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Just messin around. Little test edit with my new GoPro. Thanks to my homie Steve Hemp for the hook up.

GoPro test with Amos from Eric White on Vimeo.