This is just a taste of what is to come. I seriously cannot wait. More updates will come soon. So be sure to keep checking back.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Upendo Orphanage and Nursery School
I am getting way excited about Katie and I's trip coming up. In our Second leg of our trip we will be Volunteering at this beautiful orphanage for 4 weeks. Here are some photos and I hope you will see why we are excited to help these amazing children. Upendo Orphanage and Nursery School

This is just a taste of what is to come. I seriously cannot wait. More updates will come soon. So be sure to keep checking back.
This is just a taste of what is to come. I seriously cannot wait. More updates will come soon. So be sure to keep checking back.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Katie's parents took her and I out to Sand Diego for Thanksgiving. Super fun! Learned (kinda) to surf, got to ride a sweet bike around.
This little window was our number one source of food. Seriously some of the best mexican food ever!
I'm attempting to surf here. I repeat attempting
These are some of my favorite pictures of my bride katie! thanks Ken for the photos
All in all great trip. Super fun. thank you so much to Mike and Kim for Hookin it up with the trip!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Greeley cops really can be cool sometimes
All in all super good session. Adam really stepped it up and on this bad boy. However we had a few issues at this spot. Our first issue was speed. There was a hill to drop in on but the snow was way to wet and sticky to just cruise down the road. So then We went to the dropping in on the bed of the truck. Still not enough speed for the rail.
We then moved to building a pile of snow and dropping in off the top of adams truck. Luckily the snow was wet enough to easily pack and build something like this.
Our second set back was with a crazy old man. That was screaming at us from his house up the hill. I went up to talk to him. He told me as long as we remove the snow from the sidewalk then we were ok.(which we always do). Then I would guess once he saw us standing on top of Adams truck he came out again and started screaming again. So i went up to see what the problem was and told me that myself and all my cult member friends had to leave right now. After a few minutes of me getting yelled at and trying to talk to him calmly he told me to leave or he would call the cops. We then went down and continued to session and then the cops showed up and this ensued....
We were pretty much told we were ok to stay as long as we were not to loud. Dude was just stoked that we were not sitting inside playing video games or something. He then proceeded to go up to the old mans door and tell him we were fine and to stay inside.
After the session was over while were cleaning the snow up of the sidewalk the old man came back out and yelled again because we were still there. I tried to tell him we were just cleaning up and would be gone shortly but he couldnt take 3 seconds to breathe let alone hear what i had to say.
We then moved to building a pile of snow and dropping in off the top of adams truck. Luckily the snow was wet enough to easily pack and build something like this.
Our second set back was with a crazy old man. That was screaming at us from his house up the hill. I went up to talk to him. He told me as long as we remove the snow from the sidewalk then we were ok.(which we always do). Then I would guess once he saw us standing on top of Adams truck he came out again and started screaming again. So i went up to see what the problem was and told me that myself and all my cult member friends had to leave right now. After a few minutes of me getting yelled at and trying to talk to him calmly he told me to leave or he would call the cops. We then went down and continued to session and then the cops showed up and this ensued....
We were pretty much told we were ok to stay as long as we were not to loud. Dude was just stoked that we were not sitting inside playing video games or something. He then proceeded to go up to the old mans door and tell him we were fine and to stay inside.
After the session was over while were cleaning the snow up of the sidewalk the old man came back out and yelled again because we were still there. I tried to tell him we were just cleaning up and would be gone shortly but he couldnt take 3 seconds to breathe let alone hear what i had to say.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Almost All Done
Almost done with the bike project. The tank is done and the bike is put back together. No more lame decals all over it. Super stoked on how it is turning out. Jeff and I worked hard on this. It is definitely not perfect but it is mine and we did it all in a garage. (Refer to below postings for a before picture.) All I have left to do is paint the giant ugly triangle air filter cover black and one small chrome piece on the other side black and I am all done....For now I suppose
Monday, November 2, 2009
2 feet of snow before halloween?
Somehow we managed to get dumped on the week of Halloween. So we went up to this spot i have had an eye on for quite some time.
Charlie Randy and myself

All things were going well until this happened. No I am not doing a lay back slide. I am actually just falling here. This fall was concluded by me slamming through the sideways bar and then getting tangled up underneath the bottom support beam face down in the snow and could not get untangled without the help of my crew unplugging me from my board. not fun.
However after the only thing that really made this rail gnarly was blown out we continued to have fun. here is a couple of the photos from what ensued.
My Brother In-Law Pat
Charlie Randy and myself
All things were going well until this happened. No I am not doing a lay back slide. I am actually just falling here. This fall was concluded by me slamming through the sideways bar and then getting tangled up underneath the bottom support beam face down in the snow and could not get untangled without the help of my crew unplugging me from my board. not fun.
My Brother In-Law Pat
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tank repaint project
Jeff and myself started on my gas tank this weekend After I redid my seat I kinda thought this giant orange "shadow" decal needed to go. This is a "factory" photo since i forgot to take a pre-sanding photo.

Friday, September 11, 2009
How I figured out how selfish I really am
Selfish me
Thursday night something happened that I never ever thought I would be such a personal part of. Charlie and I were driving Northbound down I-25 by the Thornton parkway exit in the far right lane after moving some furniture to my Mother and Father in law’s home in Denver. Everything was normal then all of a sudden blue Saturn came within inches of clipping the front end of the truck I was driving while cutting into our lane. Also just barely missing the small white car in front of him in the middle lane. I was like “This Jack Hole just cut me off and almost hit me!” He then failed to straighten out and continue down the right lane and maintained his angle down into the ditch. He went down into the ditch and then smashed through a large electrical box and then diverted into a small collection of large trees, uprooting some and cutting right through others. Then the crazy part happened. All we saw were his tail lights fly up in the air flip multiple times, like a true NASCAR style flipping, and then came to rest on the roof of his car like 50 yards later. I stopped the truck and we immediately began running towards the scene (while calling 911) with full intentions of helping out the mangled/dead/unconscious/child/mother/drunk driver/ all of the other terrible scenarios that were going through my head while running down there. When we got down there the guy who was in the car was already out and walking around. I went up to him and asked him some simple, general questions like, “OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OK???? Was there anyone in the car with you? And what happened??? All he was concerned about was finding his cell phone. I said don’t worry about it and sat him down on the curb and kept him lucid until paramedics arrived. What happened to make him drive off of the road and then do more flips than the Japanese Olympic diving team? He told me he was coughing and then passed out and that’s the last thing he remembers!!! I said, “Holy crap dude have you been drinking? I mean the cops are right here (as they are running down the hill from the highway.)” He said no he was completely sober. Then they put him in the ambulance and took him away to get checked out. Charlie and I stuck around to give our statements.

Somehow this dude was not injured at all. This is him being loaded into the ambulance. He only had a small cut on his chin that was barely bleeding, and some cuts on his forearms that I think were from crawling out of his car which was upside down as you can see.
Charlie thinking HOLY $#!&!! How is this dude ok????

This may sound weird but after this ordeal was over is where I began to feel like the most selfish person on the planet and this is why…. After words I started to think about how thankful I was that he was not injured, and was going to be OK. I then thought, “why am I so thankful he is ok?” All of the answers that came into my head were something like this:
- I am so thankful he didn’t get hurt so I didn’t have to deal with it.
- I am so thankful he didn’t get hurt because I didn’t have to see a dead body.
- I am so thankful he didn’t get hurt so I didn’t have to try and work through getting over the fact that I just watched someone get killed
- I am so thankful he didn’t get hurt because I didn’t have try and pull a mangled body out of a car. It was all about ME ME ME ME I I I I I. It made me furious. How come I couldn’t have thought something like I am so thankful he was not dead because now his girlfriend or wife or whatever still has someone to come home too. Or maybe, I am so thankful he is fine because his children still have a father to hug and kiss before they go to bed. Or because his family doesn’t have to have a funeral for him.
Thursday night something happened that I never ever thought I would be such a personal part of. Charlie and I were driving Northbound down I-25 by the Thornton parkway exit in the far right lane after moving some furniture to my Mother and Father in law’s home in Denver. Everything was normal then all of a sudden blue Saturn came within inches of clipping the front end of the truck I was driving while cutting into our lane. Also just barely missing the small white car in front of him in the middle lane. I was like “This Jack Hole just cut me off and almost hit me!” He then failed to straighten out and continue down the right lane and maintained his angle down into the ditch. He went down into the ditch and then smashed through a large electrical box and then diverted into a small collection of large trees, uprooting some and cutting right through others. Then the crazy part happened. All we saw were his tail lights fly up in the air flip multiple times, like a true NASCAR style flipping, and then came to rest on the roof of his car like 50 yards later. I stopped the truck and we immediately began running towards the scene (while calling 911) with full intentions of helping out the mangled/dead/unconscious/child/mother/drunk driver/ all of the other terrible scenarios that were going through my head while running down there. When we got down there the guy who was in the car was already out and walking around. I went up to him and asked him some simple, general questions like, “OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OK???? Was there anyone in the car with you? And what happened??? All he was concerned about was finding his cell phone. I said don’t worry about it and sat him down on the curb and kept him lucid until paramedics arrived. What happened to make him drive off of the road and then do more flips than the Japanese Olympic diving team? He told me he was coughing and then passed out and that’s the last thing he remembers!!! I said, “Holy crap dude have you been drinking? I mean the cops are right here (as they are running down the hill from the highway.)” He said no he was completely sober. Then they put him in the ambulance and took him away to get checked out. Charlie and I stuck around to give our statements.

Somehow this dude was not injured at all. This is him being loaded into the ambulance. He only had a small cut on his chin that was barely bleeding, and some cuts on his forearms that I think were from crawling out of his car which was upside down as you can see.
Charlie thinking HOLY $#!&!! How is this dude ok????

This may sound weird but after this ordeal was over is where I began to feel like the most selfish person on the planet and this is why…. After words I started to think about how thankful I was that he was not injured, and was going to be OK. I then thought, “why am I so thankful he is ok?” All of the answers that came into my head were something like this:
- I am so thankful he didn’t get hurt so I didn’t have to deal with it.
- I am so thankful he didn’t get hurt because I didn’t have to see a dead body.
- I am so thankful he didn’t get hurt so I didn’t have to try and work through getting over the fact that I just watched someone get killed
- I am so thankful he didn’t get hurt because I didn’t have try and pull a mangled body out of a car. It was all about ME ME ME ME I I I I I. It made me furious. How come I couldn’t have thought something like I am so thankful he was not dead because now his girlfriend or wife or whatever still has someone to come home too. Or maybe, I am so thankful he is fine because his children still have a father to hug and kiss before they go to bed. Or because his family doesn’t have to have a funeral for him.

Excuse the ghetto cell photos. Its all I had with me

My own selfishness has become apparent to me and through the help of God and my friends and family’s prayer and support I will continue to grow through my own selfishness. Fighting the flesh is a constant battle for all of us. Last night it just became very apparent to me how much my flesh is only concerned about its self. But thanks be to God that he is ok and that his family does still have the Son/Father/Husband that left that day.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Some people
How come when people don have a motorcycle they feel like they can still make fun of people who actually have one? Girls bike?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Night Session from The Farm edit
Night Session from Eric White on Vimeo.
Edit with Hero, Snake, and Randy at The Farm. These dudes are legit and way fun to skate with. I love filming with these dudes. Can't wait till they start shredding the snow like they do the cement this year. Keep and eye out for more from these guys!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009

This dude is only a fresh 14 years old. Dude is shredding around here. Some head slams and a solid head lump went into this photo. Props to Hero for his dedication to skating. This little guy also shared the ender part in our local snowboard vid this past season, "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow."
Mackey with the photo
Monday, August 3, 2009
Me and hero
Me and hero in the feezing pool
Hot tub and pool night with the boys
Chillin in the hot tub with the newly aquired "bug juice" hats
Test test
This is a rail I found near estes park. I can't wait for it to snow!
iPhone app test
Does this work or what?
Monday, July 27, 2009
A little edit i put together from our coloRADudes motorcycle ride to A-Basin. Awesome day. Better luck next year Jeff!!!
MOTO RAD 09 from Eric White on Vimeo.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I want a Harley!!!
Katie's Birthday Bash
Took Katie on a Moto ride up into the mountains and then went on a mini hike by the Poudre River.

Sushi in FO CO

Since katie had to work at 4:30am we could not go up into the mountains and go camping. So i brought the camping to us. I made our apartment into a camp site. Little fire pit, the stream running across the room(in the foreground of the pic) and even the tent. followed by a birthday cake hooked up by my man Jeff Neel. He really saved my butt pulling through with that cake!!!
Sushi in FO CO
Since katie had to work at 4:30am we could not go up into the mountains and go camping. So i brought the camping to us. I made our apartment into a camp site. Little fire pit, the stream running across the room(in the foreground of the pic) and even the tent. followed by a birthday cake hooked up by my man Jeff Neel. He really saved my butt pulling through with that cake!!!
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